My Publications

Papers Indexed by PubMed:

1)Successful management of pelvic arteriovenous malformation by repeated particulate embolisation.
AG Sutherland, P Halliday, IG Conn, J Hussey. Br J Urol 1995; 75: 805-806.
2) Gastric lymphoma in Grampian region: Presentation, treatment and outcome.
AG Sutherland, DN Anderson, RA Keenan, K Park, AI Davidson. J Roy Coll Surg Edinb 1996; 41: 143-147.
3) Differing injury patterns in snowboarding and alpine skiing.
AG Sutherland, JD Holmes, S Myers. Injury 1996; 27: 423-425.
4) Infection associated with use of allograft bone from the Grampian Bone Bank.
AG Sutherland, A Raafat, JD Hutchison. J Hosp Inf 1997; 35: 215-222.
5) Screening times with Image Intensifier in orthopaedic trauma surgery.
AG Sutherland, DF Finlayson. J Roy Coll Surg Edinb 1998; 43: 265-266.
6) International orthopaedic journals: a 15-year review.
JS Moir, AG Sutherland, N Maffulli. J Bone Joint Surg 1998: 80-B; 6-8
7) Open repair of Achilles tendon ruptures.
AG Sutherland, N Maffulli. Orthop Traumatol 1998; 10: 50-8.
8) Who actually does orthopaedic operating? AG Sutherland, A Brooksbank, T Parwez, D Finlayson. J Roy Coll Surg Edinb 1999; 44: 91-3.
9) Abductor weakness and stresses around acetabular components of total hip arthroplasty: a finite element analysis.
AG Sutherland, D Smart, S D’Arcy, GP Ashcroft. Int Orthop 1999; 23: 275-278.
10) Accuracy of references in the orthopaedic literature. AG Sutherland, N Craig, N Maffulli, A Brooksbank, JS Moir. J Bone Joint Surg [Br] 2000; 82-B; 9-10.
11) Removal of the subchondral plate in acetabular preparation for total hip arthoplasty: a finite element analysis.
AG Sutherland, D Smart, S D’Arcy, GP Ashcroft. Int Orthop 2000; 24: 9-22.
12) The orthopaedic surgeon and posttraumatic psychopathology. AG Sutherland, DA Alexander, JD Hutchison. J Bone Joint Surg [Br] 2000; 82-B; 486-488.
13) Bilateral fractured clavicles: A pair of cases.
AG Sutherland, D Knight. Acta Orth Belg 2000; 66: 306-7.
14) Urinary soluble IL-6 receptor levels after cardiopulmonary bypass.
AG Sutherland, DJ Deehan. Cytokine 2000; 12: 1441-3.
15) C-Reactive Protein and Interleukin-6 receptor in Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder.
RJ Miller, AG Sutherland, JD Hutchison, DA Alexander. Cytokine 2001; 13: 253-5.
16) Disturbance of pro-inflammatory cytokines in post-traumatic
AG Sutherland, DA Alexander, JD Hutchison. Cytokine 2003; 24: 219-225.
17) Recovery after musculoskeletal trauma in men and women.
AG Sutherland, DA Alexander, JD Hutchison. J Trauma 2005; 59: 213-6
18) The new injury severity score: better prediction of functional recovery after musculoskeletal injury. AG Sutherland, A Johnstone, JD Hutchison. Value Health 2006; 9: 24-7
19) Proximal femoral geometry and hip fractures.
S Patton, AG Sutherland, RA Duthie. Acta Orth Belg 2006; 72: 51-4
20) Anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction in females: A comparison of hamstring tendon and patellar tendon autografts. R Siebold, K Webster, AG Sutherland, J Elliot, JA Feller Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy 2006 ; 14: 1070-6.
21) The mind does matter: Psychological and physical recovery after trauma.
AG Sutherland, DA Alexander, JD Hutchison. J Trauma 2006; 61: 1408-14.
22) Opportunistic screening for Chlamydia trachomatis in men attending three different secondary healthcare settings. S Sripada, S Logan, A Templeton, H Mckenzie, AG Sutherland, S Bhattacharya. SexTransm Infect 2007; 83: 282-5.
23) Pro-inflammatory markers in prediction of post-traumatic psychological symptoms: a prospective cohort study. AG Sutherland, G Cameron, JD Hutchison, DA Alexander Mediators Infl 2008; 2008: 640659.
24) Personal View: What’s the point of the ABC Fellowship?
AG Sutherland, A Barrow, RMD Meek, K Mulhall, R Pollock, P Poon, R Williams. J Bone Joint Surg 2009; 91-B: 138-40
25) The use of intra-articular morphine in addition to local anaesthetic for post-operative analgesia in anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction: A prospective randomised controlled trial.
S Senthilkumaran, R Tate, J Read, AG Sutherland Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthroscopy 2010; 18: 731-5.
26) Effectiveness and Cost-Effectiveness of Arthroscopic Lavage in the Treatment of Osteoarthritis of the Knee (the KORAL study)
MK Campbell MK, ZC Skea ZC, AG Sutherland, BH Cuthbertson, VA Entwistle, AM McDonald, JD Norrie, R Carlson, S Bridgman, for the KORAL study group.
HTA Journal. 2010; 15: 1-180.
27) Long term radiological and functional results of open anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction.
AG Sutherland, K Cooper, LA Alexander, M Nicol, FW Smith, TR Scotland. J Bone Joint Surg Br 2010; 92-B: 1096-9.
28) Injury prevention strategies in skiers and snowboarders.
JD Hansom, AG Sutherland Current Sports Medicine Reports 2010; 9: 169-175.
29) The mind continues to matter: psychological and physical recovery 5 years after trauma.
AG Sutherland, S Suttie, DA Alexander, JD Hutchison. J Orth Trauma 2011; 25: 228-32

30) Anterior cruciate ligament integrity in osteoarthritis of the knee.
M Douglas, AG Sutherland J Orth Traumatol 2010; 11: 149- 54
31) Does knee replacement lead to chronic limb ischaemia?
AG Dawson, P Bachoo, AG Sutherland. J Knee Surg 2010; 23: 223-8
32) Upright MRI in kinematic assessment of the ACL deficient knee.
JA Nicholson, T Kawasaki, FW Smith, AG Sutherland. The Knee 2012; 19: 41-8
33) Developing a placebo-controlled trial in surgery: issues of design, acceptability and feasibility.
MK Campbell, VA Entwistle, BH Cuthbertson, Z Skea, AG Sutherland, AM McDonald, JD Norrie, RV Carlson and S Bridgman.
Trials 2011; 12: 50.
34) Analysis of sequential cytokine release after ACL reconstruction.
A Hayward, RM Aspden, DJ Deehan, AG Sutherland. KSSTA 2011; 19: 1709-15
35) Single bundle anterior cruciate reconstruction does not restore normal knee kinematics at six months: an upright MRI study.
JA Nicholson, AG Sutherland, FW Smith. J Bone Joint Surg Br 2011; 93-B: 1334-40.
36) If a trauma patient is tachycardic, should we call a counsellor?
AG Sutherland, S Senthilkumaran, DA Alexander, JD Hutchison.
In print Scottish Medical Journal

37) Does previous varicose vein surgery alter deep vein thrombosis risk after lower limb arthroplasty?
A Dua, N Santiago, AG Sutherland
In print Orthopaedic Surgery

Other Published Papers:

1) A modified percutaneous repair of ruptured Achilles tendon.
AG Sutherland, N Maffulli. Orthop Traumatol 1999; 11: 307-16.
2) The biology of bone grafting.
AG Sutherland, JD Hutchison. CME Orthopaedics 2000; 1: 58-60.
3) Management of degenerative and inflammatory arthritides of the hip: I.
background and conservative management.
AG Sutherland, N Maffulli, WM Ledingham. CME Orthopaedics 2001; 2:
4) Management of degenerative and inflammatory arthritides of the hip: II.
Surgical management and its complications.
AG Sutherland, N Maffulli, WM Ledingham. CME Orthopaedics 2002; 3:

Cochrane Reviews

1) Surgical versus conservative interventions for displaced intra-articular calcaneal fractures.
J Bruce, AG Sutherland
Protocol: Cochrane Library 2010; 8:
Review in print

Society Memberships

Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh (Specialist Fellow).
British Orthopaedic Association (Fellow).
International Society Arthroscopy, Knee Orthopaedic Sports
British Association for Surgery of the Knee.
British Trauma Society.
Société Internationale de Chirurgie Orthopédique et de Traumatologie.
American Academy Orthopaedic Surgeons (International Affiliate).
Medical and Dental Defence Union of Scotland.
Aberdeen Medico-Chirurgical Society.


MBChB, University of Aberdeen 1990.
MD (Hons) University of Aberdeen, 2003.
FRCSEd (Trauma & Orthopaedics), Royal College of Surgeons ofEdinburgh, 1999.
Registered with the GMC as a Specialist in Trauma and Orthopaedics (reg No 3453883).

  • Alasdair Sutherland
  • Alasdair Sutherland
  • Alasdair Sutherland
  • Alasdair Sutherland
  • Alasdair Sutherland
  • Alasdair Sutherland
  • Alasdair Sutherland